Boxed diet - 5 reasons why you should use it
The boxed diet, or diet catering, has recently become more and more popular. If you are wondering whether it is worth using it, we will try to help you make this decision.
You save time and money
Although at first glance a boxed diet may not seem like a very cheap solution, on closer inspection it turns out that it is not that expensive at all. How many times have you shopped in a hurry and then many products landed in the trash instead of on your plate? It happens to all of us, doesn't it? Choosing diet catering you get exactly as much food as you need. And the free time you gain? Well, nowadays it is worth its weight in gold!
5 ready meals for the whole day, always at hand
Every day you get a set of 5 balanced meals prepared by professional chefs. They will be delivered to the address you specify in aesthetically pleasing, hermetically sealed packages, so you can enjoy tasty and fresh food whenever and wherever you want, at any time of day.
Everything your body needs
You receive wholesome, balanced meals with calories corresponding to the needs of your body. A dietician watches over the proper composition of meals that are to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. So you can be sure that you are eating rationally.
Not only slimming
The first association with the box diet that comes to mind is slimming. And there is a lot of truth in that. It is easier to discipline yourself when you have ready-made meals at hand all day long and you don't have to fight sudden attacks of hunger. It also prevents snacking, which is so unfavourable for maintaining the right body weight.
However, diet catering is not only a proposal for people losing weight. It is known that proper nutrition affects our well-being and helps prevent many diseases. So, if you simply care about eating rationally and taking care of your health, diet catering is a solution worth considering.
You don't like to take risks? No problem!
If you are not sure whether the meals prepared by a catering company will appeal to you, you can use the "Trial kit" option. Most companies have such a product in their offer. You order a trial day, which is usually significantly cheaper than regular prices and you can check how the boxed diet actually looks and tastes.
If our arguments appeal to you and you are already closer to deciding to use diet catering, we have some more advice on what to look for when choosing a catering company.
- Check if a given company operates on the basis of an appropriate Sanepid permit. Your safety is at stake here! If a company has a catering permit, you can be more confident that your meals are prepared with safety standards in mind.
- Find out how the catering sets are delivered. In order for the finished dish to remain fresh for a long enough time, it is necessary to maintain an uninterrupted cold chain. Therefore it is important for the meals to be transported in vehicles adapted for this purpose, i.e. refrigerators or isotherms.
- It is worth that the catering company provides you with access to dietary advice, especially if your goal is to change your body weight. A nutritionist not only makes sure that your meals are properly balanced. He or she can also track your weight loss progress and support you in achieving your resolutions if you need extra motivation. In case the effects of the diet are not entirely satisfactory, the dietician will also modify your diet program on an ongoing basis.
- At the very end you have to remember one thing. Even the best diet in the world, is not the golden mean to achieve your dream silhouette and well-being. Of course it is important, but it must always go hand in hand with regular physical activity.