All the 17 ways a dog can make your life better
We all love dogs right? But not all of us have one. Big mistake. As it turns out, owning a dog can dramatically improve your daily life as proven by the following science-backed benefits.
1. Don’t worry about heart problems
It is proven that stroking a dog lowers blood pressure, therefore lowering risk of some heart-related diseases.
2. Dogs boost your mood
Spending time with dogs increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin, making you happier and more relaxed.
3. Dogs makes you more healthy
Since walking your dog is a must you are more likely to be more active compared to people who don’t have dogs.
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4. Dogs safeguard your kids from allergies and skin problems
Children who grow up with dogs are less likely to develop allergies in the future and skin conditions such as eczema.
5. Dogs make good guides and doctors
Dogs are great companions for disabled people and can feel things like epileptic seizures.
6. People who have dogs tend to recover from illnesses quicker
It has been proven that people with dogs can recover from illnesses even two times faster than those who don’t have dogs.
7. Dogs limit truancy among kids
Children from families who have dogs are less likely to avoid school due to better health and mood.
8. And….
They boosts self-esteem in children.
9. They love us
Dogs are much more sensitive than any other animals and due to their intelligence they are the perfect companions for human beings. Dogs can sense emotions, understand body language and become your best friend.
10. They will always find you
Some dogs can travel hundreds and thousands of kilometers after being accidentally abandoned to find their owners.
11. They are better than alarms
Dogs are extremely perceptive due to their heightened senses. Therefore they make the perfect watchdogs to ward off thieves and burglars. You can sleep tight when you have a dog around.
12. They make you more social
Since you have to take your dog for a walk a few times per day, there are loads of opportunities to meet other dog walkers and socialize. This is a great way to make new friends.
13. They are great entertainment
Life with dogs is never boring. They do stuff all the time, whether it’s running or fooling around.
14. They can save your life
You’ve probably heard stories about dogs being hyper sensitive to diseases in humans. In fact it has been proven that dogs can sniff out cancer and potentially save your life.
15. They ward off stress
Bringing your dog to work may have seemed weird a few years ago, but now it’s becoming a norm. Research suggests that people who bring their dogs to their workplace suffer from less stress.
16. You are way cooler with a dog
Dogs help us become better human beings in general. On one hand we take them in and care for them but on many occasions they do the same for us.
17. What’s more to add ?