How to confess a mental illness
Nowadays, more and more people are struggling with problems with their psyche. An increasing part of society is unable to cope with its emotions.
Why is this happening to these people?
Above all, because more and more people are not able to cope with the ubiquitous stress, rush and career aspiration at all costs. People have too many duties, they live in a constant rush, they lack a day to rest, various hobbies and spending time with their families. Unfortunately, such a lifestyle can cause emotional problems and mental breakdown, especially in less resistant people. Unfortunately, usually in such a situation these people do not want to admit that they start to have mental problems. They are afraid that people around them will laugh at them and I will not be able to understand them. Such behaviour and the lack of help from a specialist unfortunately entails consequences in the form of a deepening mental disorder. Therefore, it is very important that when we, or one of our loved ones, starts to observe the symptoms suggesting a mental illness in us, we report to a specialist right away, then it will be possible to provide quick help, thanks to which our mental state will improve.
So, what are the first symptoms, suggesting a possible mental illness, which should disturb us and induce us to visit a specialist?
One of the worrying symptoms, which may suggest mental illness and may be one of its first heralds, is a lowering of the mood. It usually manifests itself in a reluctance to leave the house, usually such a person would most willingly spend whole days at home, preferably not dressing up with pajamas and lying in bed. Usually the only entertainment is watching TV. The patient stops answering the phone because he doesn't want to talk to anybody. He often cries, even without a clear, tangible reason. The mood is bad all day long, but usually the mental state of mind gets worse in the evening when it gets dark. A patient with a lowered mood usually does not want to go to work, neglects his daily duties, and when he is forced to leave home, at work he is not able to fulfil his tasks as effectively as before.
Another symptom, which may be the first herald of mental illness, is a mental disorder. The sick person starts to have a disorganized course of thoughts that jump from one thread to another: in one moment the person thinks about what he will be doing after lunch, and in a moment his thoughts jump to his early childhood memories. Besides, thoughts go through the head very quickly and the threads of thought are not connected at all. The patient is very often distracted, unable to finish the thread he started talking about because his thoughts are already at another event. He stubbornly begins to think of one particular event, which at some point may even become his obsession.
One of the first symptoms of an emerging mental illness may also be delusions. What are delusions? Delusions are nothing else but false beliefs, which cannot be confronted with any logical and rational arguments. How can delusions be revealed? Above all, the sick person can misinterpret the behaviour of people around him - a simple hit by accident by another passer-by on the street can be treated as a deliberate attack on himself. The sick person may also have the conviction that someone is spying on him or her, for example, watching his or her relatives or neighbors. The patient is so deeply convinced that it's all true, that no one can tell him that he's wrong and that he's wrong.
Sudden mood swings can also be considered as one of the first symptoms of mental illness. A person can fall into extreme emotional states from minute to minute. At one point he can be joyful, laughing and joking with someone, and in a moment he can burst out with unexpected, sudden anger, starting to yell at his surprised interlocutor. A sick person may be accompanied by sudden, unjustified attacks of fear, panic or sadness.
It is also important to remember that sometimes one of the first symptoms of mental illness can be hallucinations. Omma is a false or untrue sensory experience. So the patient often hears strange voices that no one else can hear. He can also see images that are not visible to other people.
Another symptom of a possible mental illness is obsession. What are they? Obtrusive thoughts or ritualistic actions. The patient is not able to chase away some thoughts, sometimes very bad ones, for example about his death or the death of someone close to him. Ritualistic activities, on the other hand, consist in repeating certain activities, e.g. continuously tightening the taps in the tap, checking whether the door is closed or the cooker is switched off. Sometimes such ritualistic activities make it impossible for the ill person to leave the house quickly, because several times he or she returns to the flat to check whether everything is OK.
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If anyone observes the symptoms mentioned above, it will be a sign that something disturbing may start to happen in their psyche. In this case, you must not pay attention to the environment and suggest other people's opinions, only to see a psychiatric specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will talk to us and on the basis of this conversation he will be able to determine whether the first symptoms of mental illness are actually present, or whether the worse mood is simply a sign of chronic fatigue and stress. Then the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct procedure.