Auschwitz tour
The history of this place is horrifying and shows how cruel people can be to each other. Auschwitz can be toured so that it will never be forgotten. For in this camp millions of people experienced unimaginable suffering and pain. That is why it is so important that a trip to this place is appropriate and treated with respect and sensitivity. You can visit the memorial museum on your own or with a guide. What is the tour of this facility like? What is its history? Read our article.
Auschwitz Birkenau
Auschwitz Birkenau was an extermination camp. It is difficult to describe its history, as many people suffered there and no words can adequately convey this. However, it is a part of our history, and time cannot be turned back, which is why it is so important to remember it all, and to nurture this memory so that new generations will know why the slogan "No more war" is so important.
The Auschwitz Birkenau extermination camp was established on the outskirts of Oświęcim, a town not far from Krakow. It was created by the Germans and was the largest such extermination site. The place was first intended as a prison for Poles, but quickly changed its purpose. This is because it housed people who were forced into forced labor and exterminated. Many died there in immense suffering. Without any exaggeration, it can be said that it was a true hell on earth.
So many people passed through the camp that it is impossible to fit all these stories in one place. That is why it was so important to open the Museum and Memorial at Auschwitz. Why is it possible to visit such a place? Well, the task of this museum is to remind us that such a situation should never happen again, and people must not forget it, lest they lose their humanity again. These are not just stories from books, these are real people and suffering.
Auschwitz has been added to the UNESCO world list.
Auschwitz Birkenau tours
As we have already mentioned, the Auschwitz Birkenau camp can be visited on your own or with a guide using organized tours. It is possible to come with Krakow to Auschwitz.
This is an extraordinary tour and should be approached as such. It will not be a time spent in entertainment, so it requires appropriate seriousness. It was not created for us to have a nice time, which is worth emphasizing.
Every year tourists from all over the world come to Auschwitz. It is assumed that they may be as many as 2 million visitors, which is a huge number. So one might get the impression that it is a popular, commercial place, but nothing could be further from the truth. Despite how many people visit it, it loses none of its significance. It is still a trip that can be very mentally challenging, especially for sensitive people.
It is necessary to be quiet, serious, not to take smiling photos against the background of the place, not to talk loudly. It's also worth reserving a reasonable amount of time for this place. This is a really large area and visiting it can take up to several hours. It is not worth rushing it, because the place forces you to reflect, stop, think. Let's do it out of respect for the people murdered there. The trip will certainly be demanding. However, it is worth the effort to go on it and honor the memory.
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