Vegetarian diet, how to lose weight?
I'll get right to the point and tell you that I'm against all weight loss diets.
Such diets can be found on the web a lot and some more. Each has its supporters and opponents. Each diet has its supporters and opponents. There are studies that show its miraculous effects and those that will point out all its flaws.
Unfortunately, it so happens that we have adopted the word 'diet' as a term for calorie restriction in order to lose weight. Meanwhile, the word only describes the way we eat. I happened to be on several diets and each time it was a big mistake.
Why am I against weight-loss diets?
The answer is very simple, because weight loss diets put our body in a state of stress and starvation. Especially bad are those that are based on taking in a very small amount of calories (1200 and below) and those that promise big weight loss in a short time. It is important to remember that during the latter we do not lose any fat, only water.
Veganism and vegetarianism are becoming more and more popular in recent times, which makes me very happy, but a large number of people consider such a lifestyle change only because of the desire to lose excess weight. Vegan and vegetarian diets are not diets for weight loss.
So, the question is: Is it possible to lose weight on veganism/vegetarianism?
Yes, you can. But if you expect quick results, you may be disappointed, although there is no rule. There are people who claim that they lost weight quickly and felt as if "the fat was melting", others lost weight gradually and still others gained weight.
So how to lose weight on a vegan / vegetarian diet?
Get rid of junk food from your home
If you don't have anything tempting in your kitchen cupboards, the easier it will be to persevere. Highly processed food is often loaded with artificial (harmful to health) flavour enhancers, sugar (in all forms: glucose-fructose syrup, aspartame, dextrin, barley malt extract etc.), high content of trans fats and salt. And all this to improve the taste and get us addicted to eating more.
Eliminate dairy and replace it with fruit and vegetables
Dairy products are very high in fat (up to 70%). This is neither a healthy fat nor a fat that will help you lose weight. In addition, it contains a lot of toxins, acidifies the body and is one of the main causes of acne, asthma, heart disease and, according to several studies, can promote the development of cancer: especially breast and prostate cancer.
Start your day by drinking 0.5 - 1 litre of water. Preferably with lemon. During the day we should drink at least 2 litres or about 8 glasses. Proper hydration improves digestion, speeds up metabolism, helps to get rid of toxins from our body, oxygenates and in general water is fantastic for everything.
Start your day with a smoothie, freshly squeezed juice or a good portion of fruit
This will charge your body with essential vitamins and minerals that will give you energy for the whole day. Fruits are light and digest quickly, so you do not feel sluggish. Thanks to their high fibre content (except in juices), they help us get rid of the previous day's digestive tract debris. Sugar contained in them quickly gets into our blood (digestion occurs already during contact with saliva) changing into glucose, which nourishes all cells of our body.
Take care of your healthy snacks
Something you can eat quickly at work or on the go. This can be fruit or nutritious organic vegan bars, rice wafers or dried fruit. Or it can be nuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, which are very nutritious and will allow us to quickly satisfy a small hunger before we have a proper meal. Additionally, they are a great source of healthy fats, protein and calcium. Healthy snacks will also help us stay away from unhealthy food. When we are hungry we definitely reach for what is "forbidden" more easily, so always be prepared :).
Be active
Move whenever you can. Go for a walk, run, play a sport or simply sign up for a gym and/or aerobics or pilates or yoga. Choose something you like and above all, something you enjoy. Physical activity will help you lose weight, but it will also make you feel better, restore your energy and be happier thanks to the endorphins that are released when you move.
Going vegan can make you lose weight, and if you are overweight, such a change is advisable and will happen sooner or later. However, losing weight on such a lifestyle is gradual. Healthy weight loss is such, during which we lose from 0.5 to 1 kg per week and such effects can be expected on a plant-based diet. However everything depends on our physical activity, hydration, rest, what and how much we eat. You should neither overeat nor eat too little. Switching from a "traditional" diet, we must remember that the amount of food consumed will be much greater than before, because we must maintain the appropriate calorie content.