Vitamin C - how to use it to increase resistance?
It was widely believed that vitamin C was the best way to fight infections and colds. This myth was disproved by American scientists in 2007. Studies have shown that only regular and long-lasting ascorbic acid intake can reduce the incidence of the disease. However, it is not important to apply large doses already at the time of illness. Therefore, it is worth taking vitamin C every day, so you can enjoy increased resistance. Ascorbic acid is also important for the human body for many other reasons.
Vitamin C deficiency - symptoms
Vitamin C is a very important element of the human body. It allows it to function properly. Its deficiency may manifest itself in: rapid fatigue, scurvy, increased tendency to bruising, loose and bleeding gums, weakened immunity.
Effects of ascorbic acid
Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant. It protects the human body against free radicals, which can lead to the development of cancer. For the last few years this substance has been used in cosmetology. Research has shown that ascorbic acid takes part in the production of collagen, a protein responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. Unfortunately, after the age of 25, the production of collagen in our body is falling dramatically. This is manifested by the ageing of the skin and the first wrinkles. Vitamin C counteracts these processes, therefore its use in cosmetic treatments gives extraordinary results. In addition, ascorbic acid has an antibacterial effect, thus contributing to the reduction of acne.
How to supply your body with ascorbic acid?
In order to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C, it is recommended to regularly use Vita C DuoLife. It is the only natural preparation available on the market that allows you to satisfy the human body with vitamin C. It provides energy and well-being. The main components of the dietary supplement are:
Acerola, the richest source of vitamin C. According to research, one fruit of this plant contains a dose of ascorbic acid equal to one kilogram of lemon. In addition, it prevents skin aging.
Wild rose - contains about 40 times more vitamin C than citrus fruit. The plant strengthens the whole organism.
CamuCamu berries - a real vitamin bomb. These fruits are rich in minerals and active substances needed for normal human functioning.
A dietary supplement should be taken once a day from 25 to 50 ml, preferably before a meal. Shake the packaging before use. Once the bottle is opened, it must be kept in the fridge. It is not recommended to use Vita C by pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.
If you want to keep your health, energy and youthful appearance, the best way to do this is to use this dietary supplement. It will support all the processes taking place in our body. Thanks to it we will regain our well-being and joy of life.