What kind of honey to choose for a cold?
Often called a natural antibiotic, honey is characterized by antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, expectorant and even antifungal effects, laxative and toning. It also stimulates the immune system in an excellent way and, most importantly, is very tasty!
What kind of honey for a cold?
Multi-flower honey is by far the most popular among honey and is perfect for literally everything! It strengthens immunity, adds energy and can be successfully used for colds, as well as buckwheat honey.
It is best to use lime honey for coughing - all because of its sharp, distinct taste and smelling of lime. Stubborn coughing will also help to relieve honeydew honey, which has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.
For strengthening and increasing immunity it is worth choosing goldenrod honey or heather honey, perfect also for urinary tract diseases. Raspberry honey will cure bronchi, and acacia honey is best served to children - it is the sweetest of all honey.
Honey for a pregnant cold
The consumption of honey during pregnancy is absolutely safe, what is more - it can help in the fight against numerous pregnancy ailments. Lemon juice with a spoonful of honey will be perfect for nausea and vomiting, while a mixture of warm water, juice squeezed out of lime and, of course, a spoonful of honey will help you with your clogged nose! Just water with honey, drunk before breakfast, once or twice can handle a heartburn.
Honey for a cold - recipe
Here are a few brilliantly simple recipes that you can use to treat your cold.
If you have a sore throat, brew the sage, wait until it cools down and give it honey. It's the best throatwash ever!
The fever will be cured by a wonderful mixture of linden, chamomile and raspberry. Take a teaspoon of each flower, mix, pour boiling water and steam for 10 minutes and then, after about 5 minutes, top with a teaspoon of honey. A glass of drink three times a day and the fever's off your mind!
What for a cough? The wet will cure two tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of aniseed powder, drunk twice a day with a tablespoon, while the dry one will cure a large, grated onion, mixed with a glass of honey. If you let her wait a night after you've cooked it, it'll make a crazy syrup. Drink a teaspoon three times a day, but remember to always do it after a meal.
Honey is also ideal for amplification! Half a kilo of honey mixed with 50 grams of nettle juice will have a great effect if you drink a teaspoon three times a day during the infection and a week after it has passed.
Honey for a child's cold
After the first year of life, children can easily start scorching honey. This natural antibiotic with antimicrobial and antiviral properties will cure a cold and successfully replace sugar!
It is worth remembering that the honey we feed the child with is natural honey! Especially beloved by the youngest, acacia honey, which combats colds and digestive problems, is characterized by a light straw colour. How to distinguish natural honey from artificial honey? Pay attention to the labels - there should be precise information about the apiary from which the honey comes. If instead of them, the packaging bears the inscription "blend of honey" - Do not buy a counterfeit right away. It is also important that the product is crystallized - real honey is crystallized already a few or several weeks after spilling into jars. Does honey have a too liquid consistency? It's probably fake.
Honey served to children is best added to tea, porridge or oatmeal. It will also work well as a sugar substitute. If you add honey to the water, make sure it's not too hot. At 40 °C, the product loses its magical healing properties.