What to buy for cat fleas? Which insecticide to choose?
If you notice fleas in your cat you won't have to panic immediately. Both cats that go outside and those that are at home are exposed to a wide variety of infections and parasite attacks. Flea can be brought home on a sleeve or trouser leg. That's why it's a good idea to observe cats and check if they're not being bitten by fleas.
The fight against these parasites will be possible with good medicines, but also with home-based methods. How to deal with it? Combating fleas in your cat can be more difficult than in your dog. Most cats will not tolerate bathing, and it is this that allows fleas to be overcome. The lining of fur makes it difficult to apply to fleas as it will be eaten by your cat.
Symptoms - how to know if a cat has fleas?
If your pet is often predatory, this may be the first signal for us. Fleas often feed on the back of the cat, on the neck and over the tail. These are places that are difficult to reach, where parasites have more freedom. If you notice that your cat spends a lot of time in the toilet, she bites her coat and scratches herself, which means that she may have fleas. Adult fleas can be seen with the naked eye.
Threats - what is the risk of fleas invasion?
This is mainly discomfort for the pet. Flea bites are itchy and painful, scratching and biting the skin will lead to wounds. You need to act quickly to reduce discomfort to your cat.
Can fleas in your cat pass on to humans?
This is the question most cat owners ask themselves. Of course fleas can also appear in people and other pets and bite them.
Preventive actions
The basic action that can be taken is to comb out the hair regularly so that it can protect itself from the excessive proliferation of fleas. If you brush your cat every few days, you will quickly notice the first fleas and thus be able to react efficiently. It is much easier to remove a few specimens than a few dozen, which additionally constantly multiply.
It is worthwhile to start with home methods. Unfortunately, fleas multiply very quickly and can spread around the house. Bathing will be an effective and inexpensive method. However, most cats react with panic or aggression. If we are able to bathe your cat it will be worth it. If your cat does not tolerate water, you can try to harness her in two people. It is best to pour water into a bowl or bathtub, there must be enough water to cover the pet's body. Be careful that water does not get into your nose or ears. A special flea shampoo can also be used.
If your cat is particularly resistant to water then you may want to take a shower, some cats may be able to withstand this if they are not submerged in water. In this case, too, special attention must be paid to your pet's head. However, fleas can quickly wander towards the head, which is not covered with water. That's why some of them will be able to rinse, and unfortunately we will have to try to peel out the rest of them from among the hair on the pet's head.