Procedures of aesthetic medicine
Rejuvenating treatments, specialist aesthetic medicine are currently performed with the use of modern technologies in the field of cosmetology and medicine.
Botox - This is a procedure where the preparation is injected into the area to be corrected. In this way, mimic wrinkles are eliminated by means of a botulinum toxin. Gum toxin within the muscle into which it is injected and causes smoothing of wrinkles. The treatment will not leave traces and will not cause pain. Hyaluronic acid Located naturally in our skin and enables us to maintain water in our tissues. Together with the aging process of the skin, the amount of acid is smaller and sagging occurs. The skin becomes dry and wrinkles appear. Cheeks and lips will lose volume. The treatment consists in injecting a portion of crystal-clear gel into the skin. This gel will increase the volume of tissue and smooth out wrinkles. The treatment gives us long lasting effects and its performance takes about 20 minutes. The results will be immediate. You can reduce nasolabial folds, wrinkles of the smoker or raise the corners of the mouth.
Needle mesotherapy - This is currently one of the best methods of action against skin aging. It will consist in introducing various active substances under the skin, which will penetrate under the thickness of the skin and will guarantee its effective revitalization. We can introduce amino acids, caffeine or mineral salts, which will guarantee good effects. This treatment can be performed on the whole body and thus can generally have a very positive effect on the skin of the hands, face, neck or décolletage. Such treatments are recommended for people who smoke cigarettes and those who have tired skin. It will work well for women who are after childbirth. Mesotherapy will perfectly complement other cosmetic treatments, which can improve the appearance of the skin and tone. It can be combined with photo rejuvenation and cellulite treatments.
Needle-free mesotherapy - This is an alternative to the previously mentioned treatments, but completely painless. However, it operates on a similar basis.
Oxygen microdermabrasion - This is a modern solution that will be used to care for all skin types as part of an innovative combination of oxygen, physiological salts and vitamin C.
Medical peeling - In aesthetic medicine a special chemical peeling is most often used, which is based on preparations which will contain various acids. Salicylic, almond, fruit, lactic and pyruvic acids can be exchanged.
Botulinum treatment for treating hyperhidrosis - This treatment allows us to treat various problems with excessive sweating. Thanks to this treatment you can get rid of the problem for a few months. The disadvantage of this method will be that it only heals the symptoms, and will not remove the causes of the problem, so this will have to be counted as a minus.
Depigmentation therapy (Cosmelan) - This is a chance to remove skin discoloration by using a special preparation.