Healthy dog treats. What to look out for?
We can find plenty of products described as healthy on the dog treats market, but are they really so?
Composition of healthy dog treats
The composition is certainly the basis we should look at before throwing any snack described as "healthy" into our shopping cart. Let's pay attention to this not only when we have a pet with food allergies, but always. What you should know is that the order of the ingredients described is very important, because, as with human food, it tells us what ingredients predominate in a particular treat. Therefore, the first ingredient is the most important and can immediately tell us if there is anything wrong with the product. After all, if the first in the lineup is not meat, fish or vegetable - in the case of vegan delicacies, that's definitely a red flag. Moreover, it is advisable to choose products that have a short ingredients list. What should be avoided is sugar, gluten, preservatives, fillers or artificial colors.
Naturalness is the key
When it comes to dog treats, it's a good idea to bet on anything natural. To make sure your dog doesn't get bored, and doesn't destroy anything in the house out of boredom, it's worth investing in anything they can chew on. If it's in addition to food, they’re more likely to reach for it. When it comes to natural chews we can find special bones or dried rabbit or beef ears on the market, dogs are also fond of deer antlers, sweet potato treats for dogs.If you want the nutritional value of a treat to be higher, it is worth reaching for vegetarian or vegan dog treats, where you will also find no preservatives, fillers, instead providing your pet with a source of vitamins and micronutrients. On top of that, suitably hard treats when chewed will help maintain proper oral hygiene, as teeth tartar will wear off. These treats also help keep the dogs' breath fresh. That's worth thinking about, because in addition to helping our pooch, we also give them a lot of pleasure, since dogs love to chew.
Can treats in general be healthy?
Dog treats can make up to 10 percent of their daily diet. By selecting them properly, we can rest assured that we are doing the best possible things for our dog. They're great to use during training, the dog gets what they like best, and at the same time they’re on the move all the time, so we don't have to worry about them getting overweight. On top of that, properly selected treats, give them energy, so they have the strength to run or play with their guardian. Above all, moderation and reasonableness are important here, so that our pet doesn't have to go on a diet in a moment, and at the same time they can have what most doggies like - a favorite snack. It just needs to be chosen properly so that it does not just stuff the dog up.
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