Medical marijuana is not only THC
A group of physicians will indicate the use of THC in synthetic form to address the issue of medical use of cannabis. Ideological blackmailers applaud them and one can say that they do not see the advantage of drought over its artificial imitation. Herbal cannabis as well as poppy milk, so opium has many active substances.
There is no doubt about the differences in the action of opium and the morphine isolated from it, which will have only about 10% of its composition. The same situation is with medical cannabis. Synthetic THC can have advantages and uses, but never replace authentic cannabis, which has the best effect on the body.
All the confusion is due to the cannabinoids in the plant. This is a group of chemicals that act on the body and mind through receptors. The exact composition as well as the ratio of these ingredients will be related to the conditions of cultivation, so we are talking about special cannabis seeds and dedicated plantations. Out of several dozen identified cannabinoids, we can present those that are characterized by the best therapeutic properties.
CBC - Kannabichromene
It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and probably also antibacterial effect.
CBD - Kannabidiol
Cannabinoid is a component devoid of psychoactive effects. Studies show that it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-emetics effect and will also alleviate anxiety and protection of the nervous system. Blood pressure and painkiller can be lowered.
CBG - Kannabigerol
It is found in cannabis and has a protective effect against cancer, lowers eyeball pressure and is suitable for glaucoma treatment, which is why it is examined by ophthalmologists, among others.
CBN - Cannabinol
A product that is formed from THC oxidation with weaker psychoactive effects causes drowsiness and will relieve cramps.
THC - Tetrahydrocannabinol
It is the best known cannabis ingredient because it has a psychoactive effect. Influences behaviour, mood, perception of the world and consciousness. Substance responsible for euphoric effects
THCV - Tetrahydrocannabivarin
A psychoactive agent, which will, however, be beneficial for the treatment of diabetes. Research is ongoing on how it can be applied in the case of obesity, which will be a significant change in this market.