Get to know cats better!
There are number of people who simply love cats, but do you know everything about these incredible creatures. If not, here are some really interesting information about cats.
First of all, it is worth highlighting that cats have become our companions about 4 thousand years ago. At the beginning, their most valued skill was the ability to hunt well, but now they are simply loved for being adorable. That is why, they are the most popular domestic animals both in the UK and in the USA.
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Cats’ build and behavior
Cats have 32 teeth and perfect sight, which allows them to see everything in low light much better than people. What is more, they hear frequencies that we can’t, and the 32 muscles in their ears enables them to locate their prey perfectly, but also to maintain balance.
Most cats are left-pawed and they are able to retract their front claws. That way they remain sharp, and make it possible for cats to climb and defend themselves when needed.
Even though you might notice that some cats are quite demanding when it comes to the smell of their food, generally the texture of it is more important than its taste. What is more, cats’ tongues have little thorns, which allows the food to move to the back of their mouth. It is also necessary feature for grooming purposes.
Have you ever wondered why cats scratch things and rub against different objects? Well, that is their way of communicating, as they transfer their scent on the surface they have contact with.
Whiskers on the other hand are the very important part of cats’ sense of touch as they are attached to nerve cells. Thanks to them, cats may obtain valuable information about the objects they touch and also judge the size of any openings.
Your cat is able to travel at speed of up to 30 km per hour, and it is likely that he or she respond to catnip, as about 75% of representatives of that species are genetically programmed to respond to this herb.
Cats as friends of humans
Cats have a very good influence on people as their owners usually have lower risk of cardio-vascular diseases and depression, and they feel less lonely than people who do not own a cat.
They have to interact with humans from the beginning of their lives, as cats after 16 weeks of age are not easy to be tamed. What is more, even though not everyone knows that, we may train cats, just like dogs.
Studies show that cat lovers are usually very logical and practical people, who are also introverts.