Exercises for the eyesight that will allow him to stay healthy
It is said that the eyes require proper rest from time to time and this is true, but in the case of the eyes this rest is paradoxically gymnastics. A long look at the screen or at the book means that they are at a standstill and it is harmful.
Young and middle-aged people usually think that their eyes do not actually work and that they are simply open, reading or looking at each other all the time without fatigue. Unfortunately, the truth is that they are doing hard work and there are various dangers waiting for them all the time. They are usually as inconspicuous and difficult to grasp as the fact that for 2/3 of a day a typical person looks at objects directly in front of them, such as a monitor screen or a road for the driver.
Eyes remain immobile, which for them is an unnatural state and causes a build-up of tension. These tensions are caused by muscles that are a very important part of the eyeball, although they are often forgotten. Just like arm or leg muscles, when they are in one position for too long, they suffer a lot and it is necessary to start them regularly. Gymnastics of the eye muscles is fortunately not a very complicated task and you can take it up at any time.
Eight. The most often recommended exercise is to draw with eyes the number 8 (sign of infinity), which can be done in your imagination or by following the lines painted on a sheet of paper placed on a stretched out hand in front of your eyes. We start from the very centre and draw the figure in a calm, constant movement. We do it several times, after which we rest half a minute and so 3-4 times. Remember that this is about eye muscles, so do not move your head, but do not get stiffened. The exercise can be extended by a little bit stronger muscle fatigue by moving your eyes up and down as much as possible, then left and right. You can also look at the wheels. This is a complement to the eight.
Deep black. Warm up your hands in warm water or rubbing them against each other, sit down straight, close your eyes and cover them with warm hands. If our eyes start to tear, we see colors and instead of black is gray, our eyes are very tired. After a while, however, black will begin to deepen. In peace and quiet we are waiting for it sitting quietly and comfortably. In this state we can stay even longer. As long as you do not press firmly on your eyelids.
Eye movement behind the finger. One of the best exercises to relax your eyesight is to follow the finger of your stretched hand. Move your finger slowly to zoom in and out on your face, focusing on it all the time, but without tying up. The exercise is repeated several times, thus relaxing the sight organ.
Simple procedures. Eyes can also be helped by appropriate means. One of them is the skylight rinse, which consists in preparing a brew from this herb, straining it, cooling it to room temperature and after moistening the cotton ball, rinsing the eyes with it.