Laser vision correction
One of the safest eye correction procedures is the LASER method. It allows to get rid of the defects of refraction, i.e. short-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism.
It enables the correction of spherical defects within the range from -14 dioptres to +6 dioptres, and in cylindrical cases about 5D. The ophthalmologist, who specializes in refractive surgery, decides to refer the person for surgery. There are cases in which the above mentioned doctor does not perform the procedure personally, then the final decision belongs to the operator. Everyone who is curious what such a procedure looks like, so let's start.
The operating room is equipped with an excimer laser, the presence of an anaesthesiologist is not required. Anaesthetic drops are put into the eyes of the person undergoing the procedure, which makes you feel no pain. The head of the person is placed on a special pad which protects against movement and the patient rests in a lying position. On the eyelids there is a special dilation, which does not allow to blink the eyelids. Eye movements are tracked by webcams, which are built into the equipment called eyetracker, it provides protection against involuntary movement of the eyeball, everything takes place in real time.
Preparation takes several minutes, while the procedure itself is only several seconds. After an hour at the clinic, the person can return home after the surgery. Presbyopia and laser correction of Presbyopia and the use of monovisi is intended to leave a partial defect in one eye, which is suitable for looking away. This technique is applicable only in a group of patients qualified by a physician. However, in the case of many people, such a solution is not satisfactory, so if someone really wants to support the attempt of such a laser correction solution, through properly selected contact lenses.
There are health situations when laser vision correction is not possible. This is due to e.g. too thin cornea or when the patient has problems with presbyopia and would like to see well at any distance. In the latter case, the best solution is to implant an intraocular lens, which is currently the most advanced method. A good method of presbyopia correction is also the application of a premium multifocal lens.