What are the best dog’s breeds?
There is no better domestic animal than a dog, which is usually extremely friendly and loyal. Thanks to such features, he is the best companion of humans and is one of the most popular pets around the world. However, there are breeds of dogs that seems to be better than others, for example in means of their character or health. So in case you are wondering which breed is worth your attention, here are some clues.
If you are allergic…
Allergy is a very common ailment nowadays, so the number of people who suffer because of it is quite big. Unfortunately, in most cases they cannot keep fur animals in their houses, but there are some dogs’ breeds that are good even for people with allergies.
You should definitely take into consideration Portuguese Water Dog, which are really intelligent, loving and friendly even towards strangers. However, these dogs are quite big and they need to spend some time actively every day. If you are looking for a smaller dog, you may choose Maltese as they are also hypoallergenic and their coat doesn’t shed.
If you have children…
It is believed that dogs are humans’ best friends, but not every single one of them get along well with small children. That is why, you need to think carefully before choosing the breed when you have a family.
Golden Retrievers are definitely a good choice in such situation, as they simply love the company of people and are also great with children, even the small ones. The same as Poodles, which are wonderful family dogs, really intelligent and fun-loving.
If you need a loving companion…
If you want a friend, that will be loyal and will simply love you Pembroke Welsh Corgis are the perfect choice. They have really sweet personalities and they grow extremely strong relationship with their owners. Also Labrador Retrievers, that are really obedient and willing to please people, are great companions, both for adults and children.
However, you should also consider adopting a mixed-breed dog from a shelter, as that way you will help fight the problem of the pet overpopulation. What is more, such animals usually do not have as many genetically inherited health issues as pure breed dogs, and they are extremely grateful and loving animals, which will be perfect companions for you.