Acidification of the body - causes, symptoms and diet
Many people do not realize that there is such a thing as acid-base balance in our body. This can lead to a situation in which it is disturbed. This has many consequences for our health. First of all, there may appear a problem with osteoporosis, physical weakness, dizziness and this is just the beginning.
Acidification of the body is a problem that affects more and more people, so it is worth knowing how to deal with it.
Acid-base balance - what is it?
First of all, it should be treated as one of the most important mechanisms that are responsible for regulating the work of our body. This is a state that will ensure that we maintain the appropriate proportions between cations and anions in body fluids. This will ensure that the right pH is maintained in the body.
The state of equilibrium can be achieved when metabolic products reach the pH level of 7.35-7.45. If the pH is higher, it is possible to talk about the predominance of alkaline components, with less about the predominance of acidic components. Even small changes, deviations from the norm will determine that there will be dangerous consequences for our health. The pH level is best checked during the laboratory blood test.
What are the causes of the body's acidification?
The cause of acidification will be an increased supply of acids. The organism will not be able to cope with this at some stage. This leads to reduced excretion by the kidneys and the neutralizing mechanisms will be exhausted. This will create an environment where germs, bacteria, viruses and products that we have eaten will ferment.
Symptoms of acidification
There are many symptoms that will affect acidification and they can affect the whole body. The first symptom that appears is, among other things, under-eye shadows. Long-term acidification favours the development of serious diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer or osteoarthritis, urethral fundus, fatigue, sleep and concentration disorders.
What to eat?
First of all, in order to fight acidification you will have to change your diet. Avoid highly processed products, white flour, large quantities of meat, as these are highly acidifying products, and more fruit and vegetables should be introduced in their place, while fighting acidification, you should also consume large quantities of water, avoid coffee and alcohol.