What is medical cannabis
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main components of cannabis. Both belong to compounds known as cannanbinoids. The level of these compounds varies from one species to another. Marijuana, which will be cultivated for recreational purposes, contains more THC than CBD.
Unfortunately, the most common ingredient will be the well-known cannabinoin compound THC, which has the character of a narcotic compound and is an illegal substance that is responsible for the negative attitude to cannabis in the world. While CBD will be completely separated and other than THC.
Unfortunately, THC still ascribes only negative effects to cannabis, which is why people put CBD in the same bag. However, this oil is legal and safe to consume, but all the time in the shade of THC.
Hemp in medicine
CBD oil slowly began to draw the attention of the medical community, which began to prefer this relationship more than THC. This oil is a relatively new dietary supplement, which is still being researched, but these results are already interesting.
Medical cannabis can protect marijuana users because it will reduce THC psychosis, but this is not the only benefit of this drug.
CBD oil is tested as an antipsychotic drug for people who suffer from schizophrenia. CBD can act as a stimulant and protect against sleepiness. It is the most important non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid.
Therapeutic properties of CBD oil
A cannabis medicine can reduce nausea and vomiting and psychosis. It will have an anti-inflammatory effect and fight neurodegenerative disorders. Responsible for the fight against cancer cells, gives the opportunity to overcome anxiety disorders and depression. Since the use of oil is a fresh issue, there are still gaps that will affect the use of this medicine.
It is known that medicinal cannabis also has an antioxidant effect. It is also used to relieve neuropathic pain in people who suffer from multiple sclerosis. CBD medical cannabis will offer excellent natural protection against cannabis, thus reducing THC intoxication, which will cause memory loss and paranoia.