Cannabis can be used by patients safely - doctors
As it turns out doctors have zero concern for patients utilizing marijuana as medicine, a new study has revealed.
The PNAS ( which stands for proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) has just released an exciting Study which reveals that doctors (at least American ones) I Have no concerns for their patients using medicinal cannabis the treat their illnesses. No information has been given on the opinions of doctors from other countries making the study a bit limited in its spectrum.
Two scientists from the University of Yale conducted the research. 233 doctors working across 29 states were involved in a hypothetical study in which the physicians were supposed to rate the danger level of using marijuana habitually compared to other hazardous activities assigning one to 10 points. As it turned out cannabis possed the least threat for patients according to most physicians. It was rated much safer than other activities such as depression, having sex with prostitutes or riding a motorcycle without the right headgear. All the above and others were rated as being much more dangerous let cannabis
Even though the results may seem surprising one has to remember that there is a growing popularity of using cannabis by medical professionals to treat illnesses of their patients and, therefore raising the awareness and acceptance of this drug not only among medical professionals but also among people.
As early as 2014 some research already suggested that the vast majority of doctors believed that in medicinal cannabis may be beneficial for the health of patients. Most of them were also for legalizing marijuana.
The perception of cannabis across America is continuously changing with more than 20 states already legalizing medical cannabis and another four allowing for the recreational use of pot. You cannot argue with mathematics more than three-quarters of all Americans have access to legal marijuana and some research suggests that over 30 million American adults use marijuana.
The study above by the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences had one more aim, and that is to check whether political opinions had any bearing on the final answers given by the doctors. As it turned out doctors who took part in the study were influenced by their political views.
The conclusion is obvious: there’s a visible difference between Democratic and Republican doctors regarding their opinions. Both groups were influenced by their political opinions and had a completely different outlook on issues such as marijuana but also keeping firearms at home and the legalization of abortion. The doctors were on the Republican side were more likely to convince their patients to limit marijuana use believing that it poses not only legal but also health risks. Democratically oriented doctors, on the other hand, expressed more concern about guns in peoples households.