Weight-loss cat food isn't work?
A long time ago, a customer called complaining to me that our weight-loss cat food wasn't working. For 3 months, the cat didn't lose a pound. I told her that changing the food doesn't always work and giving them less food should help. She had three cats, one of which was fat. The fat cat would eat his food then the other cat's food afterwards. This is what I call Fat Cat Syndrome. That's where one cat is fat and the rest of the cats aren't. The problem is how to control the fat cat's eating habits.
Cats don't eat like dogs. Instinctively, dogs eat quickly and most cats just nibble. Today 1/3 of all cats tend to eat food quickly instead of nibble on it. That cat gets fat eating all the leftover food in a household with many cats. What to do? Don't leave leftover food. If your cats eat from the same bowl, give them separate bowls. Make sure each cat has their bowl and their own place to eat. Use a barrier to separate where they eat. Watch them as they eat. Let them eat for 30 minutes then take away any leftovers.
Slow it down Use a bigger bowl to make him eat slower. If you give them wet food, use water (not too much) to make them eat slower. If none of the above work, you can give them specific food. Multicat foods have carnitine which is a fat-burner and yet healthy for normal cats. Cats eat less if their food is low in carbs. Look at the protein amount on the bag. Higher protein cat food has less carbs. The bad news is high protein cat food has more fat. Look for dry cat foods that are high in protein and low in fat. Performatrin Ultra Slim Care is a low carb food guaranteed to make your cat lose weight.