How do I choose the best food for my cat?
Although many people have doubts about this, feeding your cat properly doesn't have to be difficult. There is no shortage of cat food on sale, and we are dealing with both classic solutions and speciality feeds.
The huge choice makes it easy to buy food for overweight cats, small cats and seniors, as well as food to be given to cats that have just undergone a sterilization procedure. But what kind of karma should be the one we first reach for?
Dry or wet food for cats?
It is not difficult to guess that we are dealing with a question to which there is not just one answer. We can talk about a completely individual issue, for example, if we are considering whether we should opt for dry food or whether we should stay with its wet counterpart. The attitude of the caregiver as well as the cat's own preferences play an important role. Both types of food are based on a cat's diet, although we are dealing with products with specific characteristics, and thus only their own advantages and disadvantages.
Dry food attracts attention mainly because of its low moisture content and is therefore more specific, nutritious and calorific. This is what cat caretakers first reach for, but it should not surprise us, because it is not only cheaper than wet food, but also much easier to use.
Wet food is closer to natural food, so it's not surprising that cats value it particularly highly. Unfortunately, it is not one of the cheapest solutions, and the products offered to us at an affordable price usually discourage each other by the fact that the meat is in only a trace amount. A diet based on this kind of food is healthy, but you have to take into account both the cost and the larger amounts of food that you have to buy. The veterinarians are trying to resolve the dispute by pointing out that in both cases we are dealing with food of value, and thus recommended for cats. The best solution therefore seems to be to use them interchangeably.
Good cat food - how to recognize it?
Of course, it's not just the type of food that determines your cat's health and wellbeing. Karma must also be valuable, and it is not particularly easy to recognize it when many types of karma appear on the market. In the first place we usually look at the price of karma, but it turns out that it is not the only, and even the most important, indicator of its quality.
The most effective way to make a successful search is therefore to get acquainted with the composition of at least a few feeds in order to choose the most valuable solution. First of all, we should look for information about meat and meat products, bearing in mind that the more of them in food, the better for us as well as for our cat. We should not forget about valuable fruit and vegetables, as well as vitamin supplements and other ingredients that are in them.