Exercising and food
More and more people decide to take up some kind of sport. It is a very positive trend that has influence on our health, overall condition and mood. But not everybody knows that a proper diet is as important as a regular workout. That is why, you should learn what to eat before and after exercising, depending on the kind of workout you choose.
Working on your strength
Before the strength training we need to fuel our body with the right substances, so it will have enough energy for the whole workout. A half of banana and the teaspoon of almond butter is a good combination, which can give us the right nutrition. It can also be completed with some L-Carnitine that helps our body to change fat into energy.
After such workout we need to supplement the body with protein, as they help repair muscles. However, firstly we should hydrate, for example with coconut water. Then, we may prepare a smoothie, which will be a combination of protein powder, almond milk, chia, acai, cinnamon and some vanilla extract.
Interval training
Interval workouts may not last long, but they are high-intense trainings that put your body to the test. That is why, you need a lot of energy, and in this case nuts and seeds can be a good choice for a meal before you start such workout. You may also eat an oatmeal, but a nut bar or fruit will be OK too.
Again, after such intensive training you need to fuel your body with proteins, as that way you will make sure that your muscles repair properly. To do that you may eat quinoa, some eggs and veggies.
You definitely shouldn’t eat much before your yoga classes. Some regular water or coconut water as an alternative, will be enough in this case. After yoga workout on the other hand, you need to eat something light that will provide you with all the necessary nutrients. The best choice is a green smoothie, but you may also eat some veggies or hummus.
It is not recommended to eat a full meal before running session. You need to choose something light, like for example avocado toast. And if you need some adrenaline boost, drink a cup of your favourite black coffee. A balanced meal after jogging is essential, as you need to provide your body with the nutrients it needs. You can choose a smoothie or salmon and veggies.