Hits in aesthetic medicine - treatments worth performing in autumn.
In the autumn season begins when we have a little more time than usual and this is a very good time to start treatments that improve the beauty and condition of our skin. Aesthetic medicine specialists list a few treatments that are particularly worth paying attention to and plan right now. What is the reason for this? The sun no longer heats so much, so it does not irritate the skin, and our skin and skin after prolonged exposure to sunlight, water and wind, especially requires help and regeneration.
Let's start with medical peeling, which is the basic procedure on: cleansing the skin, exfoliating the skin thickened by the sun, brightening discolorations and refreshing the skin. Peeling also helps in the fight against blackheads, helps to smooth out wrinkles and stimulates the production of collagen in the body. It is best to undergo the procedure in a renowned clinic, where the doctor will choose the preparation that will be the best for our skin.
Another recommended treatment is mesotherapy. This treatment involves the introduction of very active ingredients into the skin, which act as an injection of energy and will definitely affect the condition and appearance of the skin. What kind of preparation must be decided by the doctor, after examination of the patient and after an interview with the patient about the state of health. According to many specialists, mesotherapy treatment is a reliable way to revitalize, moisturize and refresh the skin, which looks radiant and healthy afterwards. Wrinkles are visibly shallow, the complexion gains radiant radiance and elasticity and resilience.
Laser resurfacing is another treatment we must not forget about. He is extremely popular with celebrities and big screen stars such as Jennifer Aniston and singer Jennifer Lopez, who do not hide the fact that they apply these treatments. Why is it so popular? After such a treatment you can see huge effects of skin rejuvenation, and it is not supported by any additional substance such as botox or other fillers. During the treatment, fine wrinkles are shallow, discolorations lighten, allow for the elimination of acne scars and other skin diseases, visibly reduces pores, nutrition and makes the skin elastic throughout the face. The whole procedure is carried out using a laser, which slowly produces micro-damages on the skin, quite deeply, but invisibly, which results in an intensified reconstruction of the whole epidermis after a few weeks.
The use of botox to get rid of mimic wrinkles is a proven and tried and tested method. Although a number of myths and half-truths are circulating about it, it is still one of the most popular treatments in the world. If we place ourselves in the hands of an experienced specialist with good equipment, we do not risk our health or achieving the mask effect, which is sometimes seen in the photos of celebrities in colour magazines.
Treatment with the use of botulinum toxin is a very economical and safe way to get rid of shallow wrinkles. Currently, a lot of pressure is exerted on the natural appearance of the face, so the botox is injected in minimal amounts. As a result, facial expressions are preserved, and when botox stops working, muscles no longer work so intensively, so our natural wrinkles or blinking of the eyes will no longer be so intense. During the autumn it is also very good to spend time on epilation, because effective and permanent hair removal requires time, and often on vacation we do not have it anymore. Another treatment popular at that time is also demapen, which is a treatment that rejuvenates by puncturing the skin. It is minimally invasive and stimulates the natural renewal processes taking place in our body.