What is botox?
What is botox? Botox, which is otherwise called botulinum toxin is probably the most popular form of removing mimic wrinkles from the upper part of the face. It can be used with crow's feet, smoker's wrinkles and lion's wrinkles. It is also used as a preventive treatment.
Botox treatments are applied by injecting it in small doses into areas that must be very precisely marked on the face. Thanks to the injected botox, the nerve impulses that flow from the brain to selected muscle tissues are effectively blocked and the muscles will not work and wrinkles will not form. In the 1980s botox was used as a solution to treat muscle cramps disorders. Nowadays, however, he has moved to cosmetology and this is where he is very popular. Allows you to remove up to 80% of wrinkles. Please note that the treatment is only temporary and will have to be repeated.
If someone has problems with nerve or heart diseases should not use botox treatments. It turns out that men are using them more and more often. Before the procedure is performed, many doctors say that revitalizing treatments should be performed on the skin, because it will give a chance for a more effective treatment. They are performed in doctor's offices without anaesthesia. Smoothing of the skin is of course the responsibility of plastic surgeons and specialists who deal with aesthetic medicine. Sometimes such services are also offered by dermatologists. We already have about 40 countries where botox treatments are commonly used.
Theoretically, the procedure is not painful, but of course everyone has a different resistance to pain, so it will always be best to ask your doctor if it is possible to perform an anaesthesia. Sometimes people are afraid of injections and such a problem also occurs. Botox is injected very precisely into the selected area on the face. It does not have to be exactly in the wrinkle, but in such an area of muscles that will be crucial. There may be as many as 5 injections per area. The toxin is injected with a very thin needle. In treatments, the dose is lower than in treatment and must always be individually selected by a doctor, who will determine what amounts are safe. Wrinkles are eliminated completely or to a large extent. The facial expression will be softer and the face will have general facial expressions. When the toxin expires completely, you will need to repeat this procedure if you want to continue taking care to maintain the effect. There is no way that one treatment is enough to permanently have younger skin.
Venom works by stopping impulses from our brain to our muscles and thus not making any facial movements. Before performing the procedure, the doctor should also carry out an appropriate interview and must take into account any existing contraindications. Botox can have a bad effect on our mood and that is why it is worth paying attention to it. Headaches may occur. After the procedure you should not consume alcohol or tobacco products, because it may even weaken the effect of this preparation. Massage should also be avoided where there have been punctures and voices should not be bent. You should train your mimic muscles within an hour after the treatment. Certainly, treatments are a very popular solution and many people will decide on them to eliminate wrinkles.