Health benefits of marijuana
Marijuana is considered to be the so-called gateway drug, an addictive substance that leads to the use of much stronger drugs. Regardless of this, it also has numerous therapeutic properties, which has been medically proven. Many countries allow it to be used as a medicine, and here, too, something is slowly beginning to change.
However, we are still a long way from being ideal on this issue. There are four countries that are not currently blocking their citizens' access to cannabis: The Netherlands, Uruguay, Bangladesh and North Korea, where this plant has simply never been banned. In addition, four US states have also legalised its use.
Medicinal cannabis
Do not suggest to others. A much better source of knowledge is science, and this one shows us that there are dozens of substances in marijuana that are very helpful for our health, and this is only partial knowledge. For doctors, this is no secret. Dr. Barchanski from the Children's Health Centre gave marijuana preparations to his patients and the results were excellent.
However, his case ended up being sacked from work and charged with prosecution, and the parents of the children he was treating decided to obtain medicine by any means, be it legal or illegal. Dr. Barchański treated cannabis epilepsy, but the list of diseases in which it is effective is much longer.
I. Glaucoma - cannabis is able to lower the pressure in the eyeball, which is the main factor causing the loss of vision in the course of the disease.
II. Lung failure - the use of marijuana, according to American specialists, allows to increase the volume of lungs. The study was performed in 5115 patients over a period of 20 years. Their results are exactly the opposite of those of smokers.
III. Cancer diseases - cannabidiol contained in cannabis is able to significantly reduce the development of some cancers by blocking the specific gene responsible for the proliferation of cancer cells.
IV. Reduced chemotherapy side effects - cannabis administration reduces pain, reduces nausea and calms patients undergoing chemotherapy, which dramatically improves their health.
V. Slow progression of Alzheimer's disease - in Alzheimer's disease amyloid plaques are formed, the growth of which is limited by the active ingredient of marijuana.