Selected ways to take medical cannabis
Medical marijuana can be taken in different forms. The appropriate form is chosen by the doctor so that the patient experiences as few side effects as possible, and its action improves health.
Oil extracts
Oil extracts can be administered orally or sublingually and also properly applied on the skin. Strongly concentrated oil can also be added to food. Usually oils are made available with a special applicator. It is a very strong, rich in THC and CBD drug form. The response time depends on the exact form of administration, but is always short. THC oils are currently illegal, but CDB oils are readily available. The form of oil extract is considered to be the most convenient and effective form of marijuana.
Medical marijuana can be given in the form of infusion containing relatively high concentrations of active substances. They are in the form of acids, because the heat of tea is insufficient to break them down into the typical form. The administration of marijuana in the form of tea can have a moderate effect, as the acids of the active substances are not directly absorbed by the brain receptors. Work is still ongoing to examine their precise functioning.
Cannabis smoking is usually done in the form of a typical twist or a special contribution to a water pipe. The active ingredients inhaled into the lungs quickly enter the blood and then pass the blood-brain barrier within a quarter of an hour and maintain their effect for up to 3 hours. Cannabis in this form is usually recommended for acute symptoms such as nausea or painful cramps. Dosage is based on smoking with short breaks until the desired effect is achieved.
Vaporizers, so-called electronic cigarettes with marijuana refill, have a similar effect to smoking, but the use of a special glycol liquid instead of dehydration reduces the side effects associated with inhaling smoke.
Tincture is an alcohol with dissolved active ingredients. Its action is similar to that of oil extracts.
Sublingual aerosols
Hemp extract for this aerosol is mixed with other substances, e.g. coconuts. The concentrate of the substance sprayed on the mucous membranes under the tongue is absorbed immediately and works after about 5 minutes. This is important when accurate and precise time-based dosing of THC and CBD is needed.