Starting a home aquarium
Some people may think that keeping fish is not very complicated. You just need to buy an aquarium, fill it with water and let some fish in. However, it is not so simple, and before you start your adventure with a home aquarium you need to learn about the fish that are the best choice for beginners.
You need to realize that not every species of fish is easy to handle. They differ from each other and that is why you should know which of them can live together.
Beginner Friendly Fish – what does it mean?
Before you decide to go to the pet shop and buy a bunch of fish, you have to know which of their characteristics will make them beginner friendly. That may spare you a lot of trouble and disappointment in the future.
First of all, you should choose the fish which are resilient to less optimal conditions. Of course, there is no doubt that you will try to learn quick and avoid making any mistakes concerning fish keeping, but nobody is perfect. So in case water parameters won’t be as good as they should be, you need to be sure that the fish you choose can endure such conditions.
The level of aggression is also a very important factor which we should take into consideration while choosing the species of the tank fish. Some of them are really peaceful, but there are also fish that don’t get along with each other well. We need to make sure that fish we buy will live together as a community, so there won’t be any trouble with them.
The size of the fish is another feature that matters, as it should be appropriate for the size of the aquarium. At the beginning it is better to get smaller fish and populate your tank with them.
Freshwater Fish Perfect for Beginners
So what species of fish should you choose for your first aquarium? There are a number of them, you just need to make sure that they are easy to handle. Of course, they should also meet your expectations when it comes to the way they look. Keeping fish can be a lot of fun, but you cannot be discouraged at the very beginning. The species that are worth considering are for example: Neon Tetra, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Kuhli Loach, Cherry Barb, Fire Mouth Cichilid, Pearl Gourami, Tiger Pleco, Cory Catfish, Mollies, Sword Tails and Betta.